
January MOPS

Today we had MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) at my church.

We talked about healthful eating and living which always thrills me, since I consider a box of choclate-chip cookies a good meal.

When I got home I decided I was going to make my family start eating a little better. I say "make" because I'm the one that does all the shopping and cooking so it won't really be that difficult.

Turns out, my guys already eat pretty well. Noah has at least three servings of fruits or veggies a day, already. So, I'm making it a goal to increase that number. I think I already have the cookbook "Deceptively Delicious". I just need to get it down out of my cabinet. I also need to monitor how many sweets he eats, though. Since I have such a bad sweet tooth, I often let him munch as well.

Another thing I've decided I want to do is plant a garden. I've been wanting to do it for a while now, so now I have a healthy reason to make Steve help me. I'll be researching exactly what I need to do to plant one tomorrow, because I know you have to get started early and Spring time comes quickly to Florida.....even though it's supposed to be like 18 degrees tonight. Brrr....

For now, I'm going to go finish my homework for the Bible Study we just started on Wednesday called "Growing Kids God's Way. There is supposedly a lot of controversy behind it, so I'll have to post how it goes.

Then, of course, Desperate Housewives.

I've got a ton of pictures to post. I'll do that tomorrow. Steven just went to night-shift, so I'll have more time for blogging now.

I want to figure out the nifty trick of hyperlinking text in a blog too. I'm so computer illiterate.

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