
Lipizzaner Stallions

Last night we went to see the Lipizzaner Stallions!  Totally awesome!

(Photo copyright belongs to Lipizzaner Stallions website linked to above.)

Seriously...I'm not at all a horse gal.  They're a little intimidating and smelly for my taste. 

However, I do have a little cowboy living under my roof!  Not to mention we won the tickets for free just for being a caller #5 (or whatever) to one of our local radio stations.

It was in Baker, FL which is about 40 minutes from where we actually live.  Of course, I thought I was lost a few times on the way up there.  Then I thought I was lost walking to the arena.  Blah...

I wasn't even sure we were in the right place when a woman with a camera walks up to us and asked if she could use Noah's photograph in their local paper.  I was like, "Of course!"  Check it out!  Noah gets A LOT of attention when we're in public....Of course, he is ordinarily wearing a red cowboy hat, so I can't imagine why!

The show was inside (kind of) with florescent lighting.  So being the awesome photographer I am, I couldn't get a decent picture of the horses prancing around for love nor money.  We did sit right next to where they housed the horses when they weren't showing off though, so.....

Here's my little stallion with one of their stallions.

Also, this is why you don't put your child down for a nap with a Hershey's kiss...

Ava wore her first FSU outfit today.  Long overdue, I know.

Tomorrow I'm going to start my week-long love affair with baking soda to see if I can replace most of the chemical cleaners I have in my house.  Can't wait!


  1. I have heard they put on quite a show, we have a house full of horsey people here, so I am envious! And love, love, love the picture with the Hershey Kiss mustache. I think every kids needs to hap with a Heryshey's Kiss at least once in their life. And Ava is so adorable, but I think the FSU outfit bored her to tears, she needs a UofM, Golden Gophers outfit to really keep her awake!!! (sorry, I am a UofM girl as much as you are an FSU family...) Her lashes are so beautiful, and those plump cheeks just are screaming to be kissed. Have fun with the baking soda, I use it for everything around here, and when my kids get bored, I make them clean out my drains with baking soda and vinegar, too much fun for them...
    PS- thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!

  2. Love that FSU out fit. Start the future Noles early!

  3. You're such a cool mom for going though! How did Noah like the show?

  4. That Hersheys Kiss pic made me break into a huge smile! Too cute! I just LOVE my cowboy too! Thanks for the sweet comment about Annie's bracelettes! It actually is gettting pretty big all of a sudden! I think I will be dreaming of beads tonight! Wouldn't Pay Pal be funny! Actually one blogger in Ireland asked to buy one! How fun is that to send one off to there! We are excited & I ned to figure out what we are gonna do! :) Take care!

  5. Adam: You know it....your little one will be wearing it in a few months. Boo yah for the Noles!

    Tam: Noah loved the show. I think he would have liked it better if he could have gotten down there with the horses though.

    Libbie: I was totally serious, too! Noah was like, "I want a braclet for Haiti!" So, let me know if you guys figure out what to do with all the nation-wide orders.

  6. Aw, your kids are adorable! That red hat is show stopping. My daughter's personality always caught her a lot of attention when we went out when she was younger. I think horses are pretty, but I don't see myself owning any. Chickens would probably be good though, or even ducks perhaps?

