
Antiquing Is Green

Antiquing is Green!

I'm sure that's a relief for those of you out there with a shopping addiction.

Whenever you feel the urge to shop, go to an antique store or a thrift store and pick out something special! As for me, I love to get new (to me) things, but I hate to be wasteful.

When your treasure (or anything else) starts to get in your way, donate it back to a thrift store, or put it on your local Freecycle webpage . . .unless it's highly valued. In which case, sell it!

Here's a great antique giveaway from the lovely Ms. Jeanette and her hubby.  Many thanks to Libbie at TheMiddlestSister for pointing it out to me.  Like she said, good luck....but I really hope I win!

As far as my blog goes, I don't think I'm going to continue to go number by number through our book anymore.  I'm going to skip to the ones I consider the "meat and potatoes" of it.  You should buy a copy for yourself though, second-hand of course.  I think it's like 18cents + shipping at Amazon.com

It's a great coffee table book!   


This is a picture of my husband and my little guy "shaving" together. 
They used to do it every night when Steven had to work the next day.
It's not very green to waste that shaving cream on a little boy who doesn't even have hair on his face.
And I thought, "Should I really let them do that?"
Now I'm sitting here at the computer.
Steven's at work.
The kids are in bed, and the house is quiet.
I'm missing it.
I don't think it was wasteful . . .

I won't shave my legs tomorrow, you know....for the earth and all.

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