
3: Lusher Lawns

"3: Lusher Lawns - Longer grass retains moisture better than short turf, so in hot weather let your lawn grow to at least 1 1/2 in. before you cut it to avoid brown patches and unnecessary watering."

From: 1,001 Ways To Save The Earth, by Joanna Yarrow

Currently, we "rent" from my grandparents.  Hence, the handyman decides how to cut the grass at our house.  Boy, does he cut it short, too!

I have heard and read that you should only cut grass like 1/3 of an inch each time you mow, because it will be traumatic to the grass if you cut off too much at one time.  In Florida, our grass grows pretty quickly.  If you only cut it like 1/3 of an inch every time, you'd be cutting the lawn like every three days. 

I know people that do this, mowing the lawn every three days. I'm planning on getting him an electric mower when we're able though.

It just seems like that's a crazy amount of gasoline to use....

So I wonder, what's the neutral point between too short of grass or too much gasoline used....?


Here's some pictures of my kiddos getting ready for church on Sunday.  This is how they start every morning now.  Side by side watching "Super Why!". 

We're trying to grow Noah's hair out, so you'll have to excuse him.  We're avoiding pictures of him right now until he stops looking like a "throw-away-child", as my mom would say.

Isn't she adorable.  Shortly after I took this picture she spit up all over her dress.  I had to change her into something much less cute which made me sad.

We had a date night last night, and my parents ended up showing up at the restaurant. I really dislike Outback, but it's my Dad's favorite and Steven likes it too.

You may thinking, "how annoying", but Steven and I love seeing my parents, and we're usually so busy. So it was just luck to see them there!

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