
Introduction To Saving the Earth

Ok. Writing a blog seems a bit narcissistic, doesn't it?

I actually created this blog in August of 2009, and thought I would write about my children and things I learned about being a good mom. The thing is, people can only look at so many pictures of my (adorable) children before they're like, "boring".

Hence, I've decided I'm going to do more.

I'm going to give you special people a little more of something I'm really passionate about.

Going green.

It sure is the trend these days, going green. And while the trend may seem similar to fur-donning boots worn on the outside of pants in 2003, or clip-on glasses of the late eighties.....Please realize, IT's NOT.

It's not a trend. You do have time for a lot of changes.

It's important, and you know it is. There.

What qualifications do I have to suggest that you change your lifestyle, you ask. Well, nearly none.

In 2007 I was head of the UWF Emerald Coast Campus' Recycling Program, which basically means I was an unpaid sanitation worker. If that doesn't get your skirt blown up regarding my skills, maybe this will.

I have a book!  This book...

...and I'm going to show you how easy it can be to save the earth, because I'm going to make these changes at our house.

Best yet, I'm going to include pictures of my adorable family saving the earth for documentation.

It’s going to be great, and trendy if you're into that.


  1. I'm not into trendy, but I do like green. So nice to meet you Kristen! You sound like a woman much like myself. In fact on your bucketlist I'd only cross off running a marathon. Not that it's not a worthy goal, but many of my relatives have done that and ended up messing up their knees...

  2. Cinj -
    Thanks so much for commenting! I'll for sure consider your info on the knees. I actually hadn't thought of the physical toll....maybe a half marathon would be more realistic anyway. I hope you enjoy our journey through this book.


