
November 19th, 2009

Noah had his Thanksgiving Luncheon at school today! It was so awesome! (The food was really good, too.) He made all the things he's wearing including a headband, beaded necklace, and his painted native american outfit. They sang again, but he didn't do quite as well as he did the other day in church. Attention span was running a little low today.

We got a video and quite a few cute pictures though.

I can't believe how big he is getting. I am so thankful to be his mommy!

Oh, and I walked my mile today before Steven even got home! Go me!


  1. I LOVE LOVE what you've started! Hooray for blogging! When I was on Myspace I actually blogged nearly every day of the first couple years of the girls' life and backed it up on disk. It's been an awesome way to keep up with friends and family that aren't near us (and even those that are).

    I am so in love with your family and I think your kiddos are the too cute for words! Noah's Thanksgiving outfit is AWESOME! and the video! Awww....so sweet. <3

  2. That could be the cutest Thanksgiving school party ever! :) Love it!

  3. THanks for stopping by my blog ---I tried to look for a place to follow earlier & I am not sure how I missed it! I love your profile...the part about loving tacky things is so fun! Me too!!! Very fun!

  4. Awesome! I'm new to this internet blogging thing, but so far it's been one neat experience after another! I just love looking at other people's blogs, too. And it's so much easier than actually keeping a journal. I just can't believe it's taken me so long to join the blogging crowd! =0) I think I'm hooked.

